The library greatly appreciates all donations. Unfortunately due to the lack of storage and shelf space donations must meet the following requirements.
Books must have a copyright no older than five years from current date. Exceptions will be historical documents, classics, or antique/special editions of value to the collection, which will be determined by the Librarian.
Condition of materials must be pristine: no yellowed pages, no tears, no stains, no watermarks, no loose bindings, etc.
Any materials housed in basements, garages, outbuildings, etc. will be unacceptable due to moisture and/or silverfish problems.
Appropriateness of all materials will be determined by the Librarian.
The Librarian will determine the value and need of materials for the enhancement and improvement of the current collection.
All materials donated become the property of the Library and may be kept, sold, or traded at the discretion of the Librarian to fulfill the needs of the Library collection.
Friends of the Library
The Library Foundation